In case you run into a problem and you would like to start over.
It is possible to completely delete the database.

This will not delete any data inside the instrument memory , this will only delete data from the Manager on you computer.

  1. Click on the settings menu 
  2. Select the General tab
  3. Click Clean Triplogik Database

A message windows will ask you if this is really what you are intending to do
And recommends making a backup , just in case. We suggest you click YES
You will be promped to select a location for this backup, select a location and save

When the backup is completed, a message will let you know.  

Cleaning will start
When cleaning is completed a message will let you know.

The Manager now has a clean database like when the Manager was new.

Is is NOT recommended to start a new database every year or month
The larger the database will get , the more efficient the geocoding will be as the entire process remembers places and makes it more efficient .
Report generator is specifically made to filter and let you print only the part you want.
There is absolutely no logical reason to make small files, unless you are looking for trouble.