Whether a place is added automatically in the Manager according to the Origin or the Destination or manually, it will always be defined on the map by a certain radius.

This radius is the actual zone or perimeter that defines this place.
In other words, any trip starting or ending in this zone will share the same name and description.



The numbers in the image below are defined here 

  1. Is the center of the place reference  ( exact point where you started or ended the trip)
    Center point of the place.
  2. The light grey line (inside the red dotted circle) is the effective radius of this place.

  3. The radius editor to modify the size of the zone. 
  4. Red marker are other places nearby 

How to change the size of the zone

There are 2 ways of changing the radius of a place.
Both ways will achieve the same results.

1) You can slide the Radius cursor and move it to change the size of the zone

2) You can drag the radius cursor on the map and move it to change the size of the zone

What will happen if I expand the radius and overlap other existing places ?

When you drive to a place, there is a high possibility you will never be exactly parked in the same space when you were there the time before. This is the main reason to have an adjustable radius.
Note: Places start and end location will be referred to as "location point" in this explanation

Some Explanation
If you go multiple times to the same location, and you park in different places ( most likely to happen)
You will be outside the location point zone that was defined by the default radius.
Of course, if you are "outside" of the original radius, it will be considered a new location point, therefore a new place will be created. ( even if technically you are going to the same client for example)

Why ?
GPS location will always try to get the closes address from the central point IF it is not inside an existing radius.

Fact 1
If the Manager determines the new location point is inside a radius, this location will be named as the existing place.

Since the place already exists, no new place will be created.


Fact 2
If the Manager doesn't find any existing radius, it will create a new one from this location point, and will use the TripLogik Map closes GPS location to name it.

Real life example
You went to the same client a second time and parked on the other side of the street. If this is outside the perimeter of the radius of your previous visit, the new place will be created and will have a different address. This will be a new independent place from the other one across the street.

What can you do to have one address for this client ? 

Example 1

You visit a client and there is a large parking lot, you will certainly need to enlarge and possibly re-enter the radius.
Every time you park in different areas of the lot, there will be a new location point created if it is outside outside the original radius, like in the example below.

Consider the image below
Red markers (1) are other locations you parked at, and they are outside the blue marker radius ( 2)

Enlarge the radius of this location 
Move and center the Location Point (in blue)
Click and drag the blue location point and move it to the center of the area.

Verify the GPS address 
The Manager will recalculate the placement for the new GPS location from the TripLogik Map server.
When moving a place , It will ask if you want to replace is with the new one found or keep the same you already had.
It is possible this new place name is the same, like in this example.

Click YES to replace or NO to keep the same description and address you already had.

Enlarge the radius 
Click on the Radius editor and drag it to make it larger.
Note: The maximum radius is 300 meters (328 yards)

In this example (image below) , we have other locations ( red markers) that are now being included in the new larger radius (in light grey).  
This will trigger a warning message, asking you if you would like to merge these other places into the one you just enlarged. The goal is to take the 11 individual markers, and turn them into a single address ( merge).

If you merge them
All the other places, that would show as different places, but as actually one for you , will now be placed into a single place you have defined.

What this will do
Any trips that were placed in the radius is this new larger place and will use its description and name.
Anytime you will go back to this place , if you park anywhere inside the radius, the resulting place in the trip will be this one.

Click yes to continue or now to cancel

The resulting map will look like this

All the other locations are gone, and are now part of the same larger place.
Every trip that we're using one of the red marker as the origin of destination now has the new place address you just defined.

Implication for IRS, or CRA 

This doesn't change anything as far as the end result for distances in the mileage report.
There are no "legal" requirements to do this. This feature is intended for users who want to ensure the address are always the same and the name of their own clients are defined to a precise location.

In any case, if you were to be audited, you can always prove you went to the location via the map.