This article is valid for version 2.1091 and up

Once you have performed a sync , it's always a good idea to go trough the months and ensure no trips were wrongly classified . One of the techniques is to highlight specific days or time of the week.

Trip Highlight is NOT the process of selecting trips to be included in a report, but merely a way to make is easier to search and verify trip made in a specific time slot .

How to use it 

While in the Trip list, Click on the highlight ( light bulb) in the top menu  

Strat the function 

  1. Select Turn Highlight ON to enable the function
  2. Select presets like week days or weekend or just specific days
  3. Once you have selected days , you can define a time slot 
  4. Click OK to apply the highlight

Trips will be highlighted according to the selection you have made

How to clear the highlight filter 

To clear the filter, click on the eraser icon, beside the lightbulb