In some situation when you try to update an application or uninstall , there are situations that can prevent the Windows uninstaller from working correctly.

If you tried to install the Manager when the previous version was open, it is possible that the Windows registry received an invalid or wrong information , and in some cases , it could set some files as read only.

What to try first 

Open the Windows configuration

1) Go to the Apps

2) Find the Triplogik app
3) Click on the 3 dots to uninstall


If the Windows registry is damaged , this will prove the fact that Windows has an issue and it can no longer do its job.

If Windows can no longer uninstall software,
We suggest you use a great tool called Revo Uninstaller.

- It's available for free on the Revo website
- It doesn’t install any bloatware, spyware, or adds
- The portable version doesn’t need any installation, and runs by itself

It's available here->

How to do it
1) Download the Revo application
2) Open it
3) in the search field, type Triplogik

In the list below it the TRiplogik Manager 2.0 will show
4) Right click on it (1)
5) Click on Uninstall (2)

At the warning you can click Continue

If the Windows registry is damaged, an error message will display

1) click OK
2) click on scan

When the task is completed

3) Click to select all

4) Click on the Delete button

5) Then on Finish

You can now close the Revo app

If you did not already , download the latest version of the Manager of the website.
Start the installer in admin mode