Backup and Restore

How to move your Manager to a new PC (and keep backups)
The Basic concept We understand that moving to a new PC has its challenges and for some users it can be intimidating. Whether you are replacing your PC be...
Mon, 11 Apr, 2022 at 9:08 AM
Backup Manager 2.0 ( HOW TO BACKUP AND RESTORE)
NOTE For full copy of all data or to transfer data to a new computer , please refer to the links below How to move your Manager to a new PC (and keep backu...
Mon, 11 Apr, 2022 at 9:57 AM
Restore Data to the Manager 2.0 (from a backup file)
About Backup Backup files can be used in case you damage your database or in the case where you would have lost your PC, or need to transfer the Manager to ...
Sat, 14 Dec, 2019 at 5:02 PM